Senior Māori Advisor -Pou Māori

Part-Time Advocacy/Lobbying Community Development Health Care and Medical Indigenous and Multicultural Services LGBTQIA+ Show the salary

Job Description

Pou Māori | Senior Māori Advisor 

  • Position based in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland)
  • Permanent, part-time (22.5 hours per week)

Tina te tukutuku o te rangi

Tina te whānuitanga o te rangi

Ka piki, ka heke, ka topa, ka rere, tēnā koutou katoa rau rangatira mā.

Tuatahi me aro ki ō tātou tini aituā kua ngaro atu i te tirohanga kanohi, ka mihi ake.

Rātou ki a rātou, tātou te hunga ora ki a tātou.

Heoi anō, he karanga tēnei ki ērā o koutou tērā pea e hiahia ana ki tēnei tūranga mahi me ōna āhuatanga. Kei raro nei ētahi kupu whakamārama me te rārangi o ngā kōrero hāngai. Whakapiri mai, whakatata mai. Ka mutu, e mihi atu ana ki a koutou me ō koutou whānau i tēnei wāhanga o te tau. 

Mā ngā atua Māori tātou e manaaki, e tiaki huri noa tēnā koutou, kia ora huihui mai tātou katoa.

Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, kei aku whakatamarahi ki te rangi.

Tēnā koutou, Tēnā koutou, Tēnā koutou katoa

Are you passionate about building and strengthening relationships and upholding Te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga? Do you want to work together towards eliminating new HIV transmissions and support better sexual health outcomes for takatāpui and rainbow whānau in Aotearoa? 

Burnett Foundation Aotearoa - (formerly New Zealand AIDS Foundation) has been at the forefront of the community response to HIV in Aotearoa for more than 35 years, a history they are very proud of.  

"Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua - I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past"

Te āhua o Te Tūrunga - The nature of the position

Through a co-design process and talking to connected whānau, they have recently developed the Rautaki Māori. They are now working hard to build capability and capacity to better engage with Māori, to critique current practices and adapt accordingly. This role is a rare opportunity to shape and influence this mahi. Burnett Foundation Aotearoa are committed to seeing Māori represented throughout the organisation and to be the example of ‘what good looks like’ when working for and with Māori. 

Reporting to the Chief Executive, this role will be pivotal in shaping and implementing this strategy by:

  • Providing strategic advice to guide the implementation of our Rautaki Māori.
  • Leading and supporting relationship development with whānau, hapori, hapū, iwi, Māori organisations, and health providers.
  • Lead and support initiatives across the organisation to lift our Māori cultural capability, to maintain and increase our use of Te Reo me ōna Tikanga.

Ko tāu nā i tēnei tūranga - What you’ll bring to the role:

  • A passionate advocate for Māori health and wellbeing, you will bring strong connections in Māori communities and demonstrated expertise in cultural capability building. 

We’re looking for someone who can also demonstrate:

  • Experience in a similar senior role.
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills in Te Reo Māori and in English, ideally a confident speaker of Te Reo Māori with a deep understanding and practise of Tikanga Māori.
  • Ability to create opportunities through strong networks and stakeholder relationships.
  • Established relationships with and experience engaging with Māori including iwi, hapū, Māori health organisations, government agencies and communities.
  • Proven influencing skills.
  • Demonstrated experience in the development of policies and training programmes.
  • Proven coach and mentor across different levels of experience.
  • Ability to manage competing demands and expectations, to organise work effectively.
  • Demonstrated involvement with, understanding of and commitment to Takatāpui communities in Aotearoa.
  •  Knowledge of sexual health issues and specific health issues facing Takatāpui.
  • An in-depth knowledge of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
  • Understanding of equity in public health.
  • Experience in developing channels for improving health outcomes.
  • Proven results, delivering innovation and success in complex environments.

While not essential, it would be beneficial to also be able to demonstrate intersectional lived experience in our priority populations, knowledge of the public health or not-for-profit sector, and familiarity with restorative justice practices.

Burnett Foundation Aotearoa offers the chance to work in a fast-paced, high performing and driven team who is committed to biculturalism and is an equal opportunities employer. The Foundation serves all people regardless of sexual and gender identity, age, background or religious belief and is committed to equitable outcomes for all. Bring your whole self to work as part of our inclusive and empowering team and honour the legacy of kaitiakitanga and work towards great outcomes for takatāpui and rainbow whānau in Aotearoa. 

Te Tono - How to apply

For a full job description and application form, contact Heather Walker at Mana Recruitment for a confidential conversation now on (09) 632 1108 or email your updated CV and cover letter to Heather -

Applications close: Monday 10 February 2025 at 5.00pm.


Burnett Foundation

Job Summary

Provide strategic advice to guide the implementation of our Rautaki Māori.


$110,000 pro-rata 0.6

How to apply

Te Tono - How to apply

For a full job description and application form, contact Heather Walker at Mana Recruitment for a confidential conversation now on (09) 632 1108 or email your updated CV and cover letter to Heather -

Applications close: Monday 10 February 2025 at 5.00pm.


Not for Profit

Cause (Sustainable Development Goals)

Good Health and Wellbeing, Gender Equality, Other