Support your community before and during an emergency. Join your local Disaster Welfare and Support Team.
You could be deployed to assist in a flood, fire or other large-scale emergencies, and you’ll help with a range of activities that could include:
We have 20 teams around the country that are prepared to help in their communities or in neighbouring regions at short notice. Teams are listed by their regular training location.
Support your community during an emergency. Join your local Disaster Welfare and Support Team (DWST) and help people prepare for disasters and to get through when an emergency or disaster happens.
You’ll receive training in comprehensive first aid, psychological first aid, welfare support, and other essential skills for the role. Our teams train regularly and sometimes take part in scenario-based exercises with other response teams.
We need you to be physically fit, a good communicator and able to commit to your team for at least 12 months – some of our volunteers have been with us for more than 20 years.
Meet new people, gain a range of new skills and be there for your community. Apply to be a disaster welfare support volunteer now.
Team trains regularly in St Leonard, Hastings and sometimes in Onekawa, Napier. For more information, please contact
Directly serve people in need. Help people prepare for disasters and to get through when an emergency or disaster happens.
You’ll receive training in comprehensive first aid, psychological first aid, welfare support, and other essential skills for the role. Our teams train regularly and sometimes take part in scenario-based exercises with other response teams.
We need you to be physically fit, a good communicator and able to commit to your team for at least 12 months – some of our volunteers have been with us for more than 20 years.
Meet new people, gain a range of new skills and be there for your community. Apply to be a disaster welfare support volunteer now.
New Zealand Red Cross is part of the world's largest and oldest humanitarian organisation, working for the good of all people, independent of race, state, religion or politics. Our mission is to improve the lives of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, whether it's delivering a meal in a New Zealand town or providing medical care in Syria.
From providing education programmes, to helping in the hours after a natural disaster, to supporting those along the recovery journey, we support communities every step of the way by mobilising the power of humanity and enhancing resilience.
Here for good. Doing good things. Encouraging others to do good too.
Find out how you can help do more good by visiting the following links:
Volunteer Opportunities
Corporate Partnerships
Career Opportunities