Disaster Welfare Support Team Hastings

Voluntary Disaster and Emergency Management

Job Description

Role description

Support your community before and during an emergency. Join your local Disaster Welfare and Support Team.

Your tasks

You could be deployed to assist in a flood, fire or other large-scale emergencies, and you’ll help with a range of activities that could include:

  • Setting up and providing support in evacuation centres
  • Undertaking needs assessments to understand what support people need
  • Providing psychosocial support

We have 20 teams around the country that are prepared to help in their communities or in neighbouring regions at short notice. Teams are listed by their regular training location.

Support your community during an emergency. Join your local Disaster Welfare and Support Team (DWST) and help people prepare for disasters and to get through when an emergency or disaster happens.

Volunteer requirements and training

You’ll receive training in comprehensive first aid, psychological first aid, welfare support, and other essential skills for the role. Our teams train regularly and sometimes take part in scenario-based exercises with other response teams.

We need you to be physically fit, a good communicator and able to commit to your team for at least 12 months – some of our volunteers have been with us for more than 20 years.

Meet new people, gain a range of new skills and be there for your community. Apply to be a disaster welfare support volunteer now.

Min age
16 years


New Zealand Red Cross

Job Summary

We are looking for highly committed, multi-skilled volunteers for our Disaster Welfare and Support Team in Te Matau ā Māui | Hawke's Bay.

How to apply

Volunteer requirements and training

Team trains regularly in St Leonard, Hastings and sometimes in Onekawa, Napier.  For more information, please contact hastings@redcross.org.nz

Directly serve people in need. Help people prepare for disasters and to get through when an emergency or disaster happens.

You’ll receive training in comprehensive first aid, psychological first aid, welfare support, and other essential skills for the role. Our teams train regularly and sometimes take part in scenario-based exercises with other response teams.

We need you to be physically fit, a good communicator and able to commit to your team for at least 12 months – some of our volunteers have been with us for more than 20 years.

Meet new people, gain a range of new skills and be there for your community. Apply to be a disaster welfare support volunteer now.

Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW)

  • Make sure your actions (or lack of actions) don’t harm your health, safety and wellbeing, or harm anyone else.
  • Take part in a HSW induction, training, programmes and activities.
  • Follow all instructions given to you about health, safety and wellbeing
  • Follow all NZRC HSW policies, standards and procedures about health, safety and wellbeing.
  • Make sure you have the right training for any activities you are doing.
  • Use personal protective equipment (PPE) for any work activities that may need it to stay safe.
  • If you spot a hazard, or you are involved in an incident or near miss, report this straight away.
Commitment required:
Shift duration:
12 hours
Shift time:
Evening, variable
  • New Zealand Police - support services (child/youth)
  • Two referees for character checks


Not for Profit

Cause (Sustainable Development Goals)

Good Health and Wellbeing, Sustainable Cities and Communities