Kia Hiwara! Kia Hiwarā!
He karanga tēnei ki a koutou e ngākau nui ana ki ngā mahi rautaki Māori, mō te taha ki te hauora o te iwi Māori. Mehemea ko koe tēnei, nau mai, whakatata mai, whakapiri mai. E tūwhera ana ngā tononga.
We are excited to offer a vital role within our Healthy Families Invercargill team focused on creating greater health equity and wellbeing for Māori in Murihiku.
The Rautaki Māori role sits within a dedicated prevention workforce, offering leadership and support, helping build a cultural narrative, leveraging Māori indigenous placemaking, unlocking new partnerships and opportunities and enabling the prevention workforce to understand complex systems from te ao Māori perspectives.
This fixed term (maternity leave) role includes supporting Active Southland teams to utilise a bicultural lens in their work by growing their capability and understanding of te ao Māori perspectives.
The ideal candidate will have strong connections within the Māori community locally and be confident applying Māori indigenous knowledge that can strengthen local systems, environments and settings.
A full job description and application form are available on our website:
If this position interests you, please send your CV, cover letter and completed application form to
Applications close 5pm, Monday, September 9, 2024