OraTaiao: The New Zealand Climate and Health Council, Incorporated

OraTaiao: The New Zealand Climate and Health Council comprises health professionals in Aotearoa/New Zealand concerned with:

  • The negative impacts of climate change on health.
  • The health gains that are possible through strong, health-centred climate action.
  • Highlighting the impacts of climate change on those who already experience disadvantage or ill-health (equity impacts).
  • Reducing the health sector's contribution to climate change.

We are part of a worldwide movement of health professionals and health organisations urgently focusing on the health challenges of climate change and the health opportunities of climate action. The Council is a not-for-profit, politically non-partisan incorporated society.

Organisational Vision

‘Healthy Climate, Healthy People’

Mission Statement/Purposes

  • To educate all New Zealanders on the threat of climate change and its effects on human health and survival.
  • To promote interventions that combine health and environmental benefits.
  • To encourage, particularly in the health sector, personal and organisational action on climate change.
  • To promote a rapid reduction in New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions.
  • To encourage societal responses to climate change that promote equitable health and social outcomes and are consistent with Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

2024 Co-convenors

  • Dr Dermot Coffey
  • Summer Wright (Ngāti Maniapoto, Pākehā)