YWRC VISION:'A fair and just future for every one.''Me whai atu tātou i ngā tikanga e ōrite mō te wāheke tonutia mai.' OUR MISSION STATEMENT:'To empower young people regarding employment, through education and representation.''Waiho mā te mātauranga me te kaitakawaenga, e tākiritia te ngākau mahimahi o te hunga Taiohi kia oho, kia mataara.'------------------------------------A part of what we do is help rangatahi experiencing mistreatment at work. We want to enable young workers to make informed decisions about their own employment.Sometimes we can solve a problem with a couple of conversations on the phone and an email. Other times we'll suggest a meeting so we can get to the bottom of things. There's no one way of coming to the rescue. Every case and situation is unique!The other key service we offer is the delivery of employment education workshops specifically designed for those in, or about about to go into early employment experiences.YWRC education comes in the form of a 50-minute, interactive workshop, with activity book for rangatahi entering, or about to enter the workforce.