
Shakti Community Council Inc. (SHAKTI) is a national women's organisation founded in Auckland in 1995. The support group was set up by immigrant women for immigrant women to overcome the barriers that come with migration and intergenerational cultural oppression. A key aspect of the groups’ work involved challenging the cultural acceptance of Domestic Violence within our communities, promoting greater gender equity and initiating broader social change.

Shakti’s services include a 24-hour domestic violence intervention service for women and allied social services and counselling for immigrant families of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origins. Shakti’s forte has been in providing culturally-sensitive and culturally-competent services, by ethnic people for ethnic people of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origins.

Shakti is a leading provider of such services in the immigrant community in New Zealand with centres and women's safehouses in Auckland, Wellington, Tauranga, Christchurch and Dunedin. We are well recognised within government departments and have accreditation.