Aotearoa Refugee and Migrant Support Services is a non for profit social enterprise dedicated to
providing top quality support for new Kiwis and CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) community members to achieve better economic wellbeing and social integration.
Our key objectives are to: Support, Educate and Advocate. We believe that to achieve
equality in the outcome we should apply equity to the process and not the other way
around. This is because people have different needs when it comes to resettlement and
integration. ARMSS tailors it’s services to the client’s special and unique needs being
linguistic, financial, cultural, or other needs. ARMSS is accredited by MSD and work deliver 6 support programs: Culturally Appropriate Family Resettlement Support, Culturally Appropriate Business Start-up Support, Culturally Appropriate Community Support, Cultural Bridging Facilitation, Cultural Capacity and Capability Building and Human Trafficking Prevention Education.