Family for Every Child (Family) is a global alliance of national civil society organisations (members) working together to improve the life of vulnerable children worldwide.
Across the world, millions of boys and girls are exposed to the risk of exploitation, institutionalisation, trafficking, child labour, early marriage and other forms of physical, sexual and emotional abuse. At Family, we believe that, to reach their full potential, every child has the right to grow up in a safe family environment.
What makes our alliance unique is that it brings together grassroots organisations from around the world that have a deep understanding of the local challenges and needs of children and families in their communities, in their countries, in their culture. Together, we have a stronger international, regional and national voice to advocate for change for the children in their countries. We learn from each other, we cooperate in projects together and with external partners, and we carry out context-based research to inform our advocacy for improvements in children’s lives.
Family for Every Child Trust New Zealand is a subsidiary of Family for Every Child (a UK registered charity). It is a charitable trust which was registered in 2017 with the main purpose of establishing a fundraising programme in NZ.
Since 2021 Family for Every Child has convened a Steering Group of local civil society organisations operating in New Zealand to drive forward the Regional Pilot Programme in New Zealand and Pacific. The organisations operate in New Zealand focusing on issues related to child rights, child protection and care reform. By convening local organisations to drive forward this initiative Family for Every Child seeks to support a national response to the challenges affecting lives of children and families.
The current programme goals as agreed by the Steering Group are outlined below:
Goal 1) Care System Reform: Family for Every Child and the NZ Steering group will take actions to influence government and other stakeholders to implement changes and to improve quality of outcomes for all tamariki and rangatahi unable to live in their home of origin in Aotearoa New Zealand
Goal 2) Preventing Violence:Family for Every Child and the NZ Steering Group take actions to influence the general public, as well as government and other stakeholders to address societal norms that perpetuate violence in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The regional programme also aims to add value to the Pacific context as a distinguished region through collaboration with local CSOs informed and driven by the local issues of children, families and communities on child rights, child protection and care reform.
For more information about our work and our members, please see our website: