Tread Lightly Charitable Trust

The Tread Lightly Charitable Trust (TLCT) was established in 2007 with the vision to "inspire New Zealanders to live sustainably". The TLCT achieves this vision through two programmes which are offered to primary and intermediate schools across the Auckland region: the Tread Lightly Caravan (TLC) and the Tread Lightly Drain Game. In addition, Tread Lightly offers a number of other initiatives including Whanau "recycle right" workshops offered to students' parents and Litter Blitzes and Stormwater Sleuths Programme. The long-term goals of the Tread Lightly programmes are to teach Auckland students and their families of the environmental consequences of their everyday lives and to inspire positive behaviour change to create actual environmental benefits such as reduced waste to landfill, reduced pollution in our creeks and streams and a greater consciousness when making consumer decisions. Tread Lightly also engages with wider community.