The Court Theatre Trust

Hidden in Christchurch’s suburb of Addington is New Zealand’s largest theatre company. In its post-earthquake refuge “The Shed” - an old grain shed – is a magical world of happiness, laughter, drama and intrigue. Inside the walls of “The Shed” is a diverse and dynamic company of 35 permanent staff plus hundreds of artists and artisans who produce 19 productions each year. Over 120,000 ticket buyers enter The Court each year to feast on the varied offering of theatrical works, all created and produced on-site.

The Court has matched the ever-diversifying Christchurch population and creates and supports work for everyone in our community including children and families, for the Tangata Whenua and for Christchurch’s growing Pasifika communities. We have a strong education programme and we support new writing for theatre.

The Court Theatre is your theatre. Whoever you are. Come and be part of our team.