Tauiwi Tautoko is an educational training and ongoing community of practice to support tauiwi (non-Māori) to enact responsibility as Tāngata Tiriti to effectively challenge anti-Māori racism and backlash to decolonisation and tino rangatiratanga where they appear in tauiwi communities. Tauiwi Tautoko’s evidence-based and unique ‘calling in’ approach to courageous conversations creates opening, softening and shift of racist views where argument and fact-checking fail, fostering compassion and understanding across racial lines and furthering Te Tiriti justice. In supporting an ever-growing community who are equipped, confident, and active in this practice, Tauiwi Tautoko is one piece of the broader ecosystem of anti-racist action, and part of the broader movement underway for a Te Tiriti-based future.