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We are a Kaupapa Māori provider of wraparound support services for whānau in Taitokerau. You can find us at our hubs across Whangārei and in Kaikohe - so come in for a cuppa and explore your future options.We are a charitable trust and our services include: •One Double Five Open Arms Day Centre;•One Double Five Whakaora Kai Taitokerau Food Rescue Northland;•One Double Five Foodbank/Social Supermarket•One Double Five Community Law provided by Taitokerau Community Law;•One Double Five Whanau Support;•One Double Five Community Development;•One Double Five Housing Projects.155 Whare Āwhina is a place where you and your whānau are valued, respected and accepted for who you are. We are community advocates, lawyers and social workers here to help you and your whānau. We provide free legal advice through our 155 Community Law centres in Whangārei and Kaikohe, can help with whānau support, WINZ, housing, and are here to support anyone who is homeless with shelter at our 155 Open Arms day centre. Our food bank provides free food parcels twice a week, and our friendly team at 155 Open Arms serves free meals twice a day, six days a week.