Community Research raises the mana of knowledge by providing digital resources and opportunities for the sector to connect and share. We hold two main collections of knowledge: Community Research and the Whānau Ora collection of resources, Whānau Ora Research We also look after the evaluation resource website What Works

Our whakapapa is strong and continues to be the foundation on which we work.  

We continue to be a treaty-based organisation: our Kaitiaki (Governance) structure and practice models Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We have a tangata whenua caucus and tangata tiriti caucus. At our kaitiaki hui, each caucus meets separately to discuss issues and opportunities, then works together.

Our next step in being a treaty-based organisation is to share our experience to inspire others to continue their journey in actioning Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We continue to evaluate how we apply this kaupapa in our work at all levels.

Our supporters are diverse – whānau, community leaders, Government agencies, Trusts, community groups, philanthropic funders, research tertiary agencies and a small membership base. See who supports us here

Our current focus 

More than ever before, now is the time to raise the mana of diverse knowledges. We must also support community and whānau aspirations in research. Whānau and communities are standing tall and raising their voice. We capture this so that their knowledge is shared in spaces that bring about change.

Our current and future focuses strengthen us as leaders in the sector.