Free one-on-one coaching to seniors in our community

Seniors all over the Wairarapa and Auckland North Shore come to our weekly hubs in trusted places in each town.

Our hubs are weekly social learning spaces for seniors to receive free one-on-one coaching and support using their devices in a positive, fun and social environment.

No matter what seniors want to do online, such as connecting with friends and whanau, sending photos, paying bills or shopping.

Seniors will soon be a quarter of our population.
Yet they are among the most digitally disadvantaged in New Zealand.

Most services, communications, and entertainment are online. However, many seniors cannot participate in these and are becoming more socially excluded.

We find out that technology helps with many common issues for seniors, including loneliness, lack of mobility, and deteriorating health. Many seniors are enjoying the social connections, fun, and conveniences technology brings.

We are here to help our seniors to be digitally included and enjoy the benefit of technology!