Animals Aotearoa

About Animals Aotearoa

Animals Aotearoa is a registered charity run based on effective altruism principles. Our strategy is to focus on improving the welfare of farmed animals in neglected/ underserved areas, where those changes impact a large number of individuals, alleviating significant levels of suffering, via methods with a proven track-record of creating tractable change. 

We are the only New Zealand-based organisation focused on improving the lives of chickens bred for meat, primarily via achieving corporate welfare commitments from food businesses.

Chickens bred for meat are our primary focus, as this is where we can make the most difference for the most animals - chickens are the most numerous farmed land animal in New Zealand and their suffering is appalling.

Our goal is to secure commitments from food businesses to make changes in line with the Better Chicken Commitment and to raise public awareness of the welfare issues associated with the breed, stocking density, living environment, and slaughter of these animals.