Rangatahi Ora

Rangatahi Ora is a youth well-being leadership and development programme. Developed for youth in Aotearoa (New Zealand) and is inclusive of all cultures and demographics. Grounded in Mātauranga Māori and Bi-cultural in teachings it allows for participants of all ethnic backgrounds to embrace their culture and identity.

Designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to face challenges in life. The students will participate through shared experience, learning and understanding to better enhance their lives and the lives of others around them including potential employers.

Students participating in the programme will learn the values of Rangatahi Ora.

These values will be taught through a series of wānanga, expanding on knowledge and learnings past down from our tūpuna (ancestors).

The programme is designed using the pepeha framework, a way of introducing one’s self. Using a set structure, it identifies who we are, where we come from and where we belong? Pepeha is used in a Māori context and is a formal basis but the idea is universal. It tells people who you are by sharing your connections with the people and places that are important to you.

Rangatahi Ora recognises the importance of Taonga Tuku Iho (treasures of our heritage), Maunga (Mountains), Awa (Rivers, Lakes & water bodies), Moana (Sea), Ngāhere (Forests) and use these as a tool to facilitate interactive learning.

The programme challenge students both physically and mentally and prepare them with the necessary tools to gain long term employment and/or consider their ideal career path.

By the end of the course students will have gained Mātauranga (knowledge) and be confident to share their learnings through whaikorero (formal speech) using pēpehā.