EOS Ecology

  • Christchurch, New Zealand

EOS Ecology provides industry-leading expertise in surface water ecosystems (freshwater, estuary and coastal), science communication and public engagement. Since 2001, our team of scientists and science communicators have worked towards environmental improvement with government, consultants and industry around Aotearoa New Zealand. We also use this expertise to educate and engage – developing and delivering participatory science programmes to school students of all ages and working with catchment/community groups towards positive environmental outcomes.

Our team consists of academically qualified and commercially experienced scientists, geospatial and data specialists, science interpreters/graphic designers, and engagement specialists, and are supported by senior management with over two decades of experience. Our highly skilled staff specialise in freshwater, estuary & coastal ecology, water quality, riparian ecology, and erosion & sediment control.

EOS Ecology works for the environment, having a commitment to a people first, collaborative, kaitiakitanga based approach to projects, undertaken with integrity and a can-do attitude. We consider these to be threshold values when approaching daily tasks. We are committed to achieving the best possible environmental outcomes on every project we undertake, through respectful interactions with all project participants and collaborators, while evidence-based science is at the heart of all our actions and recommendations. We don’t cut corners, we’re politically neutral and have no agenda beyond the best sustainable environmental outcome possible in each situation.

About the ‘Wai connection’ Project
You will be involved in our delivery of ‘Wai Connection – Tatai Ki Te Wai’, which is a catchment community engagement project offering on-the-ground support to assist with catchment issues through tailored change at source. We work to build community involvement, equity, and a shared vision of ecological sustainability as the basis of a healthy community. The project aims to support up to 100 catchment groups across the country, helping empower them through providing knowledge, tools and expert support to help identify and solve issues in their local catchment. 

EOS Ecology is the Partner Organisation responsible for delivering ‘Wai Connection’ in Waitaha/Canterbury. We are also the National Technical Support Team providers, which includes helping develop the project’s science and resource content at a national level – providing science, GIS, data and graphic design capabilities to all regions, coordinators and catchments. This includes the development and production of Focus Catchment Map Series documents for catchment groups supported by ‘Wai Connection’, that summarises modelled and actual data available at national and regional levels, produced utilising science and GIS data analysis tools. We are also responsible for developing the ‘Wai Connection’ website and scoping an online platform to house citizen science/community-based monitoring data.