Te Mātāwai

  • Te Kāhui ā-rohe o Mātaatua

About Te Mātāwai 


Kia Ūkaipō anō te reo is our vision to restore the Māori language as a nurturing first language for our tamariki and mokopuna.  


Te Mātāwai works collaboratively across Aotearoa to restore te reo Māori as a vibrant language used widely and ultimately to be nurtured as a first language in homes and communities. 


Te Mātāwai was established to act on behalf of iwi and Māori to: 

lead the promotion of the health and well-being of te reo Māori for iwi and Māori, and at the community level; 

support, inform and influence the Crown’s initiatives in protecting, promoting and revitalising te reo Māori; 

give effect, through its association with Ministers of the Crown, to the relationship of the Crown with iwi and Māori in relation to te reo Māori; and 

provide oversight and direction to the Māori Television Service in conjunction with the Minister for Māori Development and the Minister of Finance. 


Te Mātāwai has an innovative organisational model that is evidence-based strategy as we seek to build capability across the Māori language revitalisation movement through relationship, resourcing and community empowerment. Te Mātāwai is committed to empowering the people of our Kāhui to lead change within their own communities, helping to foster mutual confidence in connections with communities, decision makers and government agencies. Through collaborative relationships and intelligent strategy, Te Mātāwai is redefining what the partnership model can look like, generating the conditions for systems change within Te Whare o te Reo Mauriora.  


What are Pae Motuhake? 

Pae Motuhake are the lifeforce of the Te Mātāwai community investment model that seeks to ensure kāinga, hapori and iwi are at the heart of everything we do to as we work to achieve the vision of “Kia Ūkaipō anō Te Reo”. Pae Motuhake provide iwi, regional and community leadership as we seek to determine and provide rohe-led solutions for the purposes of language revitalisation. Te Mātāwai has eight Pae Motuhake: seven Kāhui ā-iwi and te Kāhui Te Reo Tukutuku; a collective that represent and support sector-based organisations and urban interests. Their function is to connect the strategies and activities of Te Mātāwai with the needs of kāinga, hapori, and iwi in their Kāhui.