We were set up by students right after the University opened its doors for lectures – way back in 1899. Our founders knew that students were the best people to represent students and ensure the University was delivering the quality of education, experience, community, and facilities that students needed. We're one of the oldest and largest student associations in New Zealand with the ideology of students helping students remaining as our core value. 

Find out more about how VUWSA began here.

We've helped to improve thousands of students' experiences while at Te Herenga Waka. We respect our history, but also know that what was needed back in 1899 is slightly different from what is needed today. Every five years we develop a new strategic plan outlining our direction which ensures we continually adapt to guarantee we can provide successful services. Our plan serves as a strong student voice across Te Herenga Waka – and it resonates into the years that follow.